TODO: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

از الکتاب
جزبدون خلاصۀ ویرایش
جزبدون خلاصۀ ویرایش
خط ۱: خط ۱:
* add verse text and meaning as a property to ayah pages
* add verse text and meaning as a property to ayah pages
* in root page, include the ayahs that include the root by using semantic search
* remove the space after roots
* remove the space after roots
* add word meaning
* add word meaning

نسخهٔ کنونی تا ‏۱۲ آذر ۱۳۹۲، ساعت ۰۲:۴۴

  • add verse text and meaning as a property to ayah pages
  • in root page, include the ayahs that include the root by using semantic search
  • remove the space after roots
  • add word meaning
  • video description
  • Run Squid cache
  • Submit a sitemap to google
  • spread the word
  • advanced search
  • create history timeline, english version, DLP, Simple Forms,offset%3D20

  • add category to all categories
  • different result format: google map
  • add bakhsh and jeld property to tafsir
  • link to sister projects such as zekr

غافر ٦٢ (شامل این کلمه: إِلاّ, کُل, شَيْء, رَبّکُم, هُو, ذٰلِکُم, إِلٰه, فَأَنّى, تُؤْفَکُون, خَالِق, اللّه, لا)